Football Museum

The Football Museum is a museum of the history of Brazil. A story that made football one of the most recognized cultural events in the country, with the mission to investigate, disseminate and preserve football as a Brazilian cultural event.

Visiting the Football Museum is to traverse the Brazilian history in the twentieth century and understand how our customs and behaviors are inseparable from the history of the sport. Football helped shape the Brazilian identity, as well as the Brazilian culture helped to transform football.

Hours and Days of Operation:

Open from Tuesday to Sunday, entrance from 9 am to 5 pm, stay in the museum until 6 pm. Does not open on Mondays.
Hours of Operation subject to change in days of afternoon games at the Pacaembu Stadium. Please check the schedule at the website of the Museum before scheduling a visit.

Free visiting on Thursdays when picking up a ticket at the box office.

Horário de funcionamento sujeito a alterações em dias de jogos no Estádio do Pacaembu. Consulte sempre a agenda no site do Museu para programar sua visita.


R$ 9,00 e R$ 4,50 meia entrada.
À venda exclusivamente na Bilheteria do Museu do Futebol
Visitação gratuita aos sábados.


Av. Pacaembu, 1721 – 550 meters to the Football Museum
Praça Charles Miller, 22 – 200 meters to the Football Museum
Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 500 – 1.6Km to the Football Museum.
T 11 3664-3848

See Additional Information about the Football Museum in the: